All In One Solar Street Light shipped to Indonesia

All In One Solar Street Light aendeswe Indonesia

After nearly two months of work by the staff of Suntisolar, under the leadership of the technical backbone masonry and Wang Gong, the street lamps in the Indonesia were completed on schedule and delivered to the port on time, ready to travel across the sea to Indonesia.

Musi weSvondo mangwanani, vamwe vangu vakanga muchimhanya nemhepo kuchitonhora, uye vanopfuura zviuru 3 anoita mwenje vakazadzwa 6 mumagaba. With vagari zvinoitwa nomumwe, kumativi 11 am, kuti vachizvitakudza rakapera. With achinyora ari mudziyo, mumwe nomumwe ane manzwiro kuzorodzwa, kufara.

mushandirapamwe Izvi zvakawanda yakawedzera yedu chirongwa ruzivo South East Asia Markets. Tinotenda kuti chigadzirwa unhu Suntisolar kuti zvirokwazvo kukunda mamwe vatengi kubva kumisika yakasiyana. Nekuti Suntisolar ndiye kutungamirira rezuva chiedza mumigwagwa mugadziri mu China. Tinopa 6 makore garandi nokuda zvinhu zvedu, iyo wakarebesa ari indasitiri.

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Post nguva: Mar-08-2019
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