makampani News
Momwe Mungatsimikizire Zochitika Zenizeni za Solar Street Light
Gulu la Dzuwa. • Solar Panel watt imasankhidwa ndi zinthu ziwiri: ①Size ndi ②Efficiency. • Pazithunzi zamagetsi zamagetsi zamagetsi zama mono, magwiridwe antchito apamwamba kwambiri m'makampani ndi 22%. Pambuyo opangidwa mu wathunthu pepala gulu dzuwa, dzuwa pazipita ndi 16%. Ndiye tangoganizirani (makamaka osati) onse ogulitsa omwe amagwiritsa ntchito bwino kwambiri ...Werengani zambiri -
Kodi Zimakhudzira Dzuwa Street Kuwala zachisangalalo
M'zaka zaposachedwapa, tcheru koposa kale kuti dzuwa kuwala msewu ntchito msewu kuyatsa. magetsi msewu dzuwa ndi mphamvu yopulumutsa, chilengedwe wochezeka, zosavuta unsembe, ndi zotsatira zabwino kuunikira. The mphamvu yopulumutsa dzuwa msewu nyali osati amadziwa bwino za njira ...Werengani zambiri -
Kodi kusankha zonse zabwino wina Dzuwa Street Kuwala
Kuwala kwa Msewu wa Dzuwa kwakhala chisankho chabwino m'malo omwe mulibe magetsi malo osatukuka. Ndipo All In One Solar Street Light (AIO) yatchuka kwambiri chifukwa chakukhazikitsa ndi kukonza kosavuta poyerekeza ndi Separate one. Koma palinso ena ...Werengani zambiri -
Lamba ndi Road Mayiko Kodi ikulu Dzuwa Energy Angathe
Belt and Road Initiative ndi ntchito yofunitsitsa yomwe ikukulitsa malonda aku China ndi mafakitale mpaka ku Asia ndi padziko lonse lapansi. Maiko 126 okhala ndi anthu pafupifupi 1.1 biliyoni asayina nawo ngati othandizana nawo pantchitoyi. Kupanga zomangamanga zonse zatsopanozi ndikupangitsa chitukuko cha mafakitale ...Werengani zambiri -
Global Dzuwa Street kuunika Market Kukula ndi Mapa kwa 2025
Global Solar Street Lighting Market Analysis According to Market Research, The Global Solar Street Lighting Market was valued at USD 6.26 Billion in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 22.34 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 22.57% from 2018 to 2025. Solar street lights are the light sources ...Werengani zambiri -
Dera la Detroit limabwezeretsanso misewu yake ndi mphamvu ya dzuwa
Anthu okhala mdera la Detroit omwe adachoka mumdima pambuyo poti malo okhala anthu akuyembekeza kuyambiranso misewu yawo pogwiritsa ntchito mphamvu ya dzuwa. Highland Park ku Michigan, ikugwira ntchito yoyika magetsi oyendera magetsi opita ku 200 kuzungulira mzindawu kuti asinthe omwe adachotsedwa ndi DTE Energy chifukwa chosowa ...Werengani zambiri -
Pulojekiti imagwiritsa ntchito mapanelo ophatikizira dzuwa kuti azilipiritsa magetsi amsewu
A pilot project in Spain to use solar lighting in public areas The project will see 20 units installed in Seville’s Infanta Elena Park. These integrate the solar panel, luminaire, charge controller and battery in one housing to make them compact and easy to install and maintain. “Seville ...Werengani zambiri -
Kuunikira mumsewu- Mavuto aku Gabon
This beautiful developing country has many roads that are not lit, especially in rural areas. The operational cost of infrastructures allowing the deployment of traditional lamps in a wired network for maintenance is too expensive. According to figures from Gabon’s Minis...Werengani zambiri -
Kuwala kwa Msewu wa Dzuwa kwa Mabwalo a Masewera
Timapereka magetsi oyendera magetsi mumsewu powunikira popanda kugwiritsa ntchito magetsi. Magetsi awa sangangowala usiku wonse, koma kuwalako ndikokwanira. Mizinda imasowa njira zatsopano zopangira mphamvu ndikuchepetsa zinyalala, ndipo njira zina zatsopano zitha kuwonekera pamakona a c ...Werengani zambiri -
ZAMBIA: RDA yayamba kukhazikitsa magetsi amu msewu a dzuwa
The Road Development Agency (RDA) has started installation of solar lights at crossing points such as bridges as part of enhancing security. Luangwa Bridge is the first crossing point to be installed with eco-...Werengani zambiri -
Kuwala Kwakuyenda Ndi Dzuwa - Kusankha Kwa Dziko Lapansi
In the previous years, street lamp is a relatively good product to provide road lighting. Now the country is vigorously promoting environmental protection, the high need of electricity and maintenance cost can not be ignored. ...Werengani zambiri -
Mabatire a Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4 Battery) KAPENA MnNico Ternary Lithium Battery
As we all know, more and more people are buying integrated solar street lights, and one of the key points of the Solar Street Light quality is the selection of lithium battery packs. Usually we use Ternary Lithium batteries or LiFePO4 batteries. Let’s compare the differ...Werengani zambiri